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Beginning Reading

Icky Sticky I

A Beginning Reading Design


Caroline Brillhart











This lesson will teach students about the vowel correspondence i = /i/. Students are going to learn how to recognize, spell, and read words with the short vowel i = /i/. They will learn a meaningful representation by saying “Icky sticky I”. Students will spell words containing short i in a letterbox lesson, and will read a book that focuses on the short i sound.



  • Letter tiles

  • Letter boxes

  • Short i worksheet

  • Copy of the book “Kit in the Pit”

  • Assessment worksheet

  • Crayons



  1. Say: “Today we are going to learn about the letter /i/. The letter /i/ can make multiple sounds. Try to remember a time when you got something icky or sticky on your hands. Maybe you were using glue for a project and you accidentally got it stuck on your hands. When this happens you may think, “Ew! My hands are icky and sticky!”.

  2. Say: “Let’s see if we can recognize the letter /i/ in the following words. Say “icky sticky” if you hear /i/ in these words: map, fin, bed, lid, cat, swim”.

  3. Say: “Now let’s practice spelling words with /i/. Let’s try to spell the word “swim”. “Swim” has four phonemes, /s/ /w/ /i/ /m/, so we will use four letter boxes. We know /i/ is the third phoneme so we can go ahead and place it in the third box. For the first box, we hear ssss, so we will put an /s/ in the first box. What do we hear next? We hear wwwww, the letter /w/. We can put the letter /w/ in the second box. We already know our icky sticky /i/ comes next, but what comes after that? Next, we hear mmmm, so we will put the letter /m/ in the final box.”

  4. Say: “Let’s practice on our own. How would you spell the word “lid”, Can you say, “Will you please close the lid to the jar?”. How many phonemes does the word “lid” have? Correct, it has 3! So, you will need 3 letter boxes. [Walk around room and observe how students are spelling the word “lid”]. Great job everyone! It looks like you all knew to put the icky sticky /i/ in the middle letterbox, the /l/ in the first one, and the /d/ in the third box.”

  5. Say: “Let’s read a story that has a bunch of icky sticky /i/’s in it. We are going to read the book “Kit in the Pit”. This book is about a kitten who runs and jumps into a pit, and will not come out. Her friends keep trying to get her out, but she does not want to. Let’s read to find out if the children get the kitten out of the pit!”

  6. Say: “Now we will practice our knowledge of the letter /i/ by completing a worksheet. For each picture you see, spell out what the picture is, and then color in the pictures that contain short /i/.”









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